CT Employee-Specific Volunteer Positions

Sleigh Driver

As a SLEIGH DRIVER, you will help steer hundreds of gifts and our ELVES & SANTA all around the city to bring gifts, and spread love & hope to Calgarians all over the city.

To be a Sleigh Driver, you must be an ACTIVE/have proficiency Calgary Transit Big Bus (40’/60′) Operator. (Be off S&A before December 24, 2023).

AM or PM shifts available.

Number of Positions: 52 (22am/22pm)

  • Please register on website as a Calgary Transit Bus Driver. We will ask you to provide a badge number.
  • MUST wear CT issued shoes/boots
  • Please dress festive, NOT in uniform, but not dressed as an Elf/Santa. (Elf/Reindeer/Santa HATS are encouraged )
  • Can register friends and family on MOC website and be on the same bus together. EACH FAMILY MEMBER/FRIEND MUST INDIVIDUALLY REGISTER (INCLUDING CHILDREN). We need to know EVERY single person coming to coordinate buses/groups. (and create a “Team”/”Group” name to tell your friends and family so they can make sure to enter it and you can all be together.

ELF Shuttle Driver

As a ELF SHUTTLE DRIVER, you will help get hundreds of volunteers to and from our designated parking lots to Santas Workshop. You may also be asked to do a “hot shot” trip, help getting last- minute toys/gifts request to special locations (hospitals, homes, care facilities etc).

To be an ELF Shuttle Driver, you must be an ACTIVE/proficient Calgary Transit Shuttle Operator. (Be off S&A before December 24, 2023)

AM or PM shift available.

Number of Positions: 6 (3AM/3PM)

  • Please register on website as a Calgary Transit Bus Driver. We will ask you to provide a badge number.
  • MUST wear CT issued shoes/boots
  • Please dress festive, NOT in uniform, but not dressed as an Elf/Santa.
  • Other Volunteer Positions

If you wish to simply volunteer with The Magic of Christmas, please check out their available positions and shifts, and register. We will start posting different volunteer shifts frequently starting October 15th. Follow our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more news and events. After registering as a volunteer, you will also have an option to join our newsletter subscription for more insider updates. We look forward to making magic happen with you this year.