Volunteering at Stampede 2024!

Volunteering at Stampede 2024!

Fundraising, Volunteer
Volunteer at Stampede 2024 with our Kinsmen partners! Looking ahead into our 2024 season. We are blessed to be given the opportunity to be apart of the Kinsmen Million Lottery Booths at the Calgary Stampede for the 2024. That being said we are looking for volunteers to fill various shifts at the booths. It is important for us to fill as many shifts as possible, to continue the wonderful partnership we have with The Kinsmen Club. Added Bonuses for each volunteer: If you sign up before May 15th, will be entered into a draw to win some wonderful prizes! A light lunch/dinner will be provided for your shift You’ll have free entry into Stampede Park for the day More info on will be provided after sign up and closer to…
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Volunteer Registration open for 2019

Volunteer Registration open for 2019

Every year, our volunteers help to bring cheer to hundreds of families at Christmas. Before our volunteers can be scheduled for Christmas Eve shifts, everyone needs to be registered. Review the list of our volunteer positions. Register to volunteer for 2019. Watch your email for confirmation of a shift schedule Attend the Elf Rally on December 7th Get your elf on!  
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