2024 Global Cookie Sale – Success!
A huge thank you to all the Calgary Chefs who came out to support the Magic of Christmas in raising over $41,000! AND they did it in two hours! There are so many people we want to thank for making this event a success including Leslie Horton at Global News Calgary Chef Liana Robberecht Jason McKay with Modern Rentals Grant Perry, JP Gerritson, Di Wensel and Erin Rainey at ATCO Blueflame Kitchen A big shout out to the sponsors who donated ingredients, time, and resources for the chefs to make the cookies! ATCO Blue Flame Kitchen - https://www.atcoblueflamekitchen.com/en-ca.html Burnbrae Farms - https://burnbraefarms.com Food Tourism Strategies - https://foodtourismstrategies.com/ Foothills Creamery - https://www.foothillscreamery.com/ Highwood Crossing - https://www.highwoodcrossing.ca/ Sysco Calgary - https://www.sysco.ca/location/calgary SAIT Hospitality Program - https://www.sait.ca/sait-schools/school-of-hospitality-and-tourism/hospitality-and-tourism-management-programs Also, generous cash donors showed up…