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Frequently Asked Questions
A: Calgary Transit graciously donates 30 of 40 footer & shuttle buses to help carry thousands of donations to around 800 families, 4500+ people to their homes, hospitals, care facilities. On Christmas eve, approximately 60 Calgary Transit employees will donate approximately 450 combined hours of time. (that’s in less than 20 hours)!!
Calgary Transits management, dispatch, control, supervisor, mechanical, service lane, communications/marketing departments ETC, helps us organize book offs, buses, permissions, eligibility, promoting events/opportunities.
A: If you are able to donate 6-8 hours of your time in the morning or afternoon shift on Christmas Eve, you will have the opportunity to help making Christmas so much more special for Calgarians who need it most. You will provide safe transportation for our Elves & Santa on Christmas Eve, the most important day at The Magic of Christmas. You are an integral part of making this day possible.
A: Yes. There will be shuttle services every 30 minutes, on the 10’s and 40’s of each hour, from Spring Garden to The Magic of Christmas warehouse starting from 6:00 AM until 2:00AM – 3:00AM on Christmas Day.
- Please park at Spring Garden, you will have an “Elf Shuttle” to get you back to your vehicle at the end of shift.
- You report to SG- DISPATCH at (or before) your REPORT TIME and scan in (like any day). You will be greeted by one of our AM-STANDBY Drivers (Likely STEVE FISETTE) who will have any papers and information you need, as well as provide you with a container of hand sanitizer, and a container of sanitizing wipes.
- Once you have finished doing your bus inspection, you will take your bus to the “Reindeer Landing Zone” contact your BERNARD and follow the instructions
a. Magic of Christmas Warehouse/RLZ: Bay #32, 4216 54 Ave SE - You will be met/greeted by your BERNARD and the loaders. You will get loaded with gifts, CEO, Elves & Santa, work with the CEO to plan your routes/map.
- Head out and help spread the Magic of Christmas!
- Once you come back to The Magic of Christmas warehouse, make sure to park again in the Reindeer Landing Zone, follow the instructions of asking the “BERNARD” to load/unload, and allowing the Elves/Santa/CEO to get off board.
- Ask and/or wait to be relieved by your PM Driver, or when your BERNARD confirms you are okay to leave. (Again, we can not leave any busses unattended).
- Once done, you can take the Elf Shuttle back to SG to get back to your car.
- Please park at Spring Garden, and text your BERNARD, we will send an “Elf Shuttle” to pick you up and over to The Magic of Christmas warehouse.
- You report to BERNARD at (or before) your REPORT TIME and connect with your bus & CEO.
- Once you have finished doing your bus inspection, and at your LOAD TIME, you will TEXT or Call BERNARD, and once given permission, take your bus from the “Reindeer Landing Zone” to the loading zone
a. Magic of Christmas Warehouse/RLZ: Bay #32, 4216 54 Ave SE - Once in loading zone you will be met/greeted by your BERNARD and the loaders. You will get loaded with gifts, CEO, Elves & Santa, work with the CEO to plan your routes/map.
- Head out and help spread the Magic of Christmas!
- Once you come back to he Magic of Christmas warehouse, make sure to park again in the Reindeer Landing Zone, follow the instructions of asking the BERNARD” to load/unload, and allowing the Elves/Santa/CEO to get off board.
- Once your bus is unloaded, and BERNARD gives you the okay, you will take your bus back to SG like a regular driving shift ending at SG (Through farebox, and wherever they send you).
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