A huge thank you to all the Calgary Chefs who came out to support the Magic of Christmas in raising over $55,000! AND they did it in about an hour!
There are so many people we want to thank for making this event a success including
- Leslie Horton at Global News Calgary
- Chef Liana Robberecht at Trico LivingWell
- Jason McKay with Modern Rentals
- JP Gerritson, Di Wensel and Erin Rainey at ATCO Blueflame Kitchen
Also a big shout out to the vendors who donated eggs, butter and flour for the chefs to make the cookies!
- Ardent Mills – https://www.ardentmills.com
- Burnbrae Farms – https://burnbraefarms.com
- Calgary Co-op – https://www.calgarycoop.com
- Sysco Calgary – https://www.sysco.ca
We’ve shared the list of amazing chefs so that people can visit them to experience all their offerings!
Restaurant/Organization | Chef | Website |
Affair to Remember | Steve | https://anaffair.com |
AlForno | Errin Massolin | https://alforno.ca |
Alloy | Rogelio | https://alloydining.com |
Alloy | Uri Heilik | https://alloydining.com |
ATCO | Grant Parry | https://www.atcoblueflamekitchen.com/ |
Bar Chouette | Duncan Ly | https://www.barchouette.ca/ |
Bridgeland Market | Yousef Trays | https://bridgelandmarket.com |
CBI | Catherine Brownlee | https://catherinebrownlee.com |
Centenial High School | Shari Ali | https://school.cbe.ab.ca/school/centennial |
Chef Judy Wood | Judy Wood | https://www.facebook.com/ChefJudyWood/ |
Cluck N Cleaver | Francine Gomes | https://cluckncleaver.com |
Deane House | Chef | https://deanehouse.com |
Diner Deluxe Rest | Ryan Turbide | https://dinerdeluxe.com |
Diner Deluxe Rest | Vince | https://www.dinerdeluxe.com/ |
Donna Mac | Kayla woods | https://donnamacyyc.ca |
Earl Grey golf course | Tia | https://earlgreygolfclub.com |
Egg & Spoon | Jason Moore | https://eggandspoon.ca/ |
Flavour YYC | Ashley Peters | https://www.flavouryyc.com/ |
Flores & Pine | Maria | https://floresandpine.com |
Flores & Pine | Kim Schribar | https://floresandpine.com |
Fortuna’s Row | Nicole Padley | https://fortunasrow.com/ |
Hawthorn Dining Room, Fairmont Palliser | Rupert Garcia | https://www.hawthorndiningroom.ca/ |
Hello Treats | Courtney Toso | https://www.facebook.com/treatsbythomas1/ |
Kensington Wine Bar | Jeff Beerwart | https://winebarkensington.com |
LICS Ice Cream Shop | Jennifer Andrews | https://www.lics.ca/ |
Lina’s Market | Robin Bowen | https://www.linasmarket.com/ |
Little Grandma’s Blue Cookie | Jackie Prisnie | https://www.facebook.com/Littlegrandmasbluecookies/ |
Major Tom | Brittany Thompson | https://www.majortombar.ca/ |
Marriott Hotel | Sean Cutler | https://www.marriott.com/ |
Medium Rare /Spirit Wares | Cam Dobranski | https://mediumrarechef.com/ |
Milpa | Elia | https://milpa.ca/ |
Modern Steak | Rebecca | https://modernsteak.ca/ |
Nakiska Ski Resort | Dan Jeffrey | https://skircr.com/ |
Nash Restaurant | Laura Noble | https://www.thenashyyc.com/ |
NOtaBLE – The Restaurant | Laura Noble | https://www.notabletherestaurant.ca/ |
Our Daily Brett/ Business and Pleasure | Brett | https://www.ourdailybrett.com/ |
Oxbow at Hotel Arts Kensington | Colin Middleton | https://www.hotelartskensington.com/oxbow.html |
Pat & Betty | Mike | https://patandbetty.com/ |
Red’s Diner on 58th | Adam Lewis | https://redsdiner.com/ |
River Cafe | Scott Mackenzie | https://www.river-cafe.com/ |
Rouge | Paul/ Dean | https://rougecalgary.com/ |
Roys Korean Kitchen | Roy Oh | https://www.royskoreankitchen.com/ |
SAIT | Christine Beard | https://www.sait.ca |
Sauvage | Tracy Little | https://www.sauvagerestaurant.ca/ |
Sunterra | Kristi Mehta | https://www.sunterramarket.com/ |
Sweet Bella Chocolate | Kevin | https://www.sweetbella.ca/ |
Sysco Calgary | Meghan Monk | https://www.sysco.ca/ |
The Eden | Dirk McCabe | https://edenbistro.ca/ |
The Glencoe Club | Quinn Staples | https://glencoe.org |
The Journey Club | Blair Carlson | http://westmanvillage.com/homes/seniors-residences/ |
The Landing Restaurant Group | Carmen Cudmore | https://www.thelandinggroup.ca/ |
The Selkirk at Heritage Park Historical Village | Viola Midegs | https://www.selkirkgrille.ca/ |
Those Chocolates | Nicole Buckton | https://thosechocolates.ca/ |
Trico LivingWell | Liana Robberecht | https://chefliana.com/ |
V Burger | Andrea Harling | https://www.heyvburger.com/ |
Visionary Catering | Lindsay Chatterton | https://www.visionarycatering.com/ |
Westin Calgary Airport | Sid | https://westincalgaryairport.com |
Winebar Kensington | Jerry Troha | https://www.winebarkensington.com/ |